At Maison Dandoy, we run on sugar. Pockets full of candies for moments as charming as kids’ dreams. And if the good old days were nowadays?

Coeur en Massepain Cuit
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Coeur en Massepain Cuit
Shop onlineOn the surface of my almond heart, you can see a sweet tan. And inside, there’s love for everyone and tons of marzipan.
Our marzipans
Half almond, half sugar, in bars or in cubes, our marzipan is something special. In shape of a heart, it is delicately toasted.

Barre de Massepain
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Christiane, 5th generation of Maison Dandoy, made her own marzipan when she wasn’t behind Butter Street’s counter. You can always try and compete with her.

I’m always asked what is my favourite biscuit but it’s too tricky a question. If I have one piece of advice to give, it’s to try and eat speculoos with marzipan. I will never have enough!