All we write is love
There are at least two American writers that have written the words: ‘every letter is a love letter’. You can find their words as kitschy cards: beautiful quotes over idyllic landscapes. With the exception of cover letters or passive aggressive letters left for neighbors in the stairwell, are all letters love letters? That would be nice. So in February, let's make this true!
What’s better than a biscuit and a love letter? We agree: not much. Since our Love Apple is available online and in all our boutiques, we give you here a few tips to write the letter that should go with it.
Why write a love letter?
There are many ways of expressing your love to those you care about: spending time with them, being attentive to their needs, doing them favours, being affectionate, telling them outright or giving them gifts. Over the last two years, our options for expressing love have become limited making it trickier to keep relationships alive. So it might be the moment to reach out!
Also, it will definitely put you in a better mood than dropping a heart on insta.
Who to write a love letter to?
The obvious choice is your partner. If you share a flat, a house or a mansion, you have the opportunity to leave messages everywhere, every day. Even unconscious messages; freshly changed sheets, a good dish cooking in the oven, or on the contrary, a tube of toothpaste left open and a wet towel rolled on the floor. The problem with these messages is that they can sometimes be misinterpreted or not interpreted at all. A good way to set the record straight is to write down how you feel.
There’s also the less obvious choice. Two years ago, we had to put those little everyday relationships on hold, the ones that we had no idea were doing us so much good. All of a sudden we missed our ever-hungry colleague. The waiter at our favorite bar. The friend of a friend who we never saw one on one but was always a pleasure to bump into at parties. All those relationships that seemed as insignificant as they actually were important. So the choices are in fact broad and it could be time to tell your local grocer that you love him.
Between these two extremes, there are certainly a few people in the middle: family, close friends, long-lost, childhood and long-time friends... This February, spread the love as far as you can make it reach!

How to write a love letter?
Not everyone is Virginia Woolf, so keep it simple. Let's stick to the facts. The little quirks you like in someone. A happy memory. A shared moment that seemed trivial but stayed with you. An unexpected conversation, a spontaneous boost in confidence... or even a moment of silence. Here is an example:
Dear Gaëlle,
A few years ago, we drove home together. We were tired and we kept silent the whole way. At one point, you looked over and smiled at me. When I think of you, I see that smile and I know that somehow everything will be okay.
A love letter that comes from the heart doesn't need an "I love you" to say it.
When to write love letters?
Whenever you get the chance during the whole month of February. And why not beyond?
Where to write love letters?