We wish you an oversize Christmas!
This year, not only did we want to wish you a merry Christmas, but also an oversize Christmas, a larger-than-life Christmas. You will have noticed: our shop windows are full of huge and colourful figurines. We planned on making you feel small, on making you travel through time, back to childhood!

Back to when Christmas wasn’t about hunting the perfect gifts in overcrowded shops, making stressful and endless grocery shopping lists and coping with our in-laws. Back to when Christmas was just about hanging out in our favourite pyjama wrapped in a soft plaid, forgetting all about school and laughing with grandpa who would, just to amuse us, always play the fool.

We thought of what Christmas meant when we were kids: wonder, surprise, a whole night spent waiting for Santa and imagining all the gifts he would have brought us in the morning. And sometimes, going secretly against our parents’ will and waking up in the middle of the night, sneaking downstairs to see if the glass of milk and the cookies were still there. Desperately trying to catch the man in red on the act.

Oh and we were quite ready for this encounter! We had a long list of crucial existential questions: how did Santa do to deliver all these long-awaited gifts at the bottom of every Christmas tree in the world in only one night? Didn’t the reindeers get tired? How could these ones fly anyway? Did every construction worker across the globe take Santa’ big belly into account when building a chimney?

Of course, these are nice clichés and life isn’t (always) as smooth as a cheesy Christmas movie. That’s why at Maison Dandoy, we have a motto: