Smashbox by the chef: Philippe Emanuelli's surprising mise-en-bouche
One month ago, we introduced the Smashbox together with Bellerose. We hope you had a lot of fun smashing and sharing it. But there's actually much more you can do with 3 giant biscuits and a little hammer. To prove it, we've asked 4 of our favorite chefs from Brussels to create a recipe with the Smashbox. And they've taken it pretty seriously.
Philippe Emanuelli is the chef behind Café des Spores and Crab Club. He is also behind super cool brands Supersec and Superbon. Using our Smashbox, he created an appetizer that is both surprising and incredibly sophisticated: young elm, chestnut and vanilla speculoos.
We think this gorgeous recipe would be perfect for Christmas Eve! Let us know if you end up serving it...

Young elm, chestnut and speculoos
- 1 young elm (clean it and pound it slightly beforehand)
- 1 knob of salted butter
- A few cooked chestnuts
- Dandoy Speculoos crumbs (for his recipe, Philippe chose the vanilla version from the Smashbox)

Brown the young elm in a pan with foamy butter. Cook for 2 minutes on each side. Reheat the chestnuts using the same pan. Mash them with a fork. Coat the fish with biscuit crumbs and serve with chestnuts.

Chaussée de Waterloo 7, 1060 Saint-Gilles
Tel.: +32 (0)472 55 46 95
Open on Monday 19h until 22h.
From Tuesday to Saturday from noon until 14h and 19h until 22h.