This summer, our madeleines are more tanned than ever
This summer is not just about our new shortbreads. Guess who's back? Our madeleines! More tanned than ever, they are ready to make your summer days even brighter.

Classic buttered madeleine with lemon icing, madeleine with coconut and lime zest or orange madeleine? It's a tough choice unless you don't make one! You are not on holiday? Close your eyes, take a bite and let it all go away. We've slipped in a few secret ingredients that will take you wherever you want to go. And there you have it: the sound of crickets, cutlery clattering around a large table, animated discussions between loved ones, sandy and sweet summer days that know no end...
On the Belgian coast, a rather unusual activity takes place every summer. We don't really know how it started, but since the 1900s, children have been making flowers out of crepe paper. Using their imagination, they create amazing floral assortments, full of colours and enchantment, which they then exchange for shells. And not just any shells: only razor clams. Sometimes the flowers are so successful that even the grandparents are called in to help the children.

To keep this typically Belgian tradition alive, we invite all children (young and old) to bring their own paper flowers to our boutiques. We will proudly display them in our windows and offer a small bag of your favourite biscuits in return! Are you ready to come and colour our summer windows?