Sow the wheat, and reap the tablet!
Before arriving in our boutiques, our exciting new tablets had to travel a long way. Proud of their regenerative journey, we've decided to be transparent and show you all the stages in their manufacture.
From field to biscuit, follow their journey and discover the work and passion behind our crispest (and most responsible) new creation. Are you ready? We're counting on you not to miss a single crumb…

1. The soil
After the previous crop has been harvested, the soil is given a plant cover. This protects it from the erosion associated with heavy rainfall, and provides nutrients to the top layer.
In autumn, this cover crop is shredded and added to the soil. When it breaks down, it acts like a natural "fridge" for the plants.

2. The seeds
The soil reserve is now enriched with nitrogen, carbon, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and other nutrients. Between October and November, it's time to sow the seeds! A fine seedbed* is laid in the top layer of soil to allow the seeds to flourish.

3. Growing
As winter approaches, the young plants develop and form tufts of leaves (called tillers) that will protect them throughout the season.

4. The plant
It's springtime. And with spring comes...danger! Insect attacks, disease, fungus, drought... For young plants, this is no time to relax. To avoid these ills, growers can use various treatments such as trace elements, essential oils or plant macerations.

5. The harvest
Having overcome all nature's hurdles, the full grains are harvested, tested and ready to be delivered to the mill.
The straw stays in place and is used as mulch for the animals or crushed and mixed into the soil. The circle is complete: a new crop cycle may begin.

6. Grinding
Off to the mill. Once it arrives, the raw material is examined and stored by the miller. He checks that the grain's characteristics meet the specifications. Then the work starts: it's time to grind the grains to create a smooth flour.

7. The workshop
The flours are ready! Maison Dandoy is bustling: everyone can’t wait for the delivery to arrive.

8. The biscuit
Our gourmet masters work the flour, mixing it with other ingredients to prepare your favourite biscuits, using flour produced using 100% regenerative farming methods.
Last but not least, we'd like to thank our colleagues at Farm For Good – without them, our biscuits wouldn't be what they are today. Their organisation supports farmers through agro-ecological transitions, and has guided us, cob by cob, along our journey in favour of people and nature.
So let's celebrate a small step for the environment and a big step for Maison Dandoy, with our new crunchy tablet to share. After all : sow the wheat, reap the tablet !
These photos were taken at Grange Farm, where Stany and Guirec de Wouters gave us a warm welcome.